Mountain View Insurance – Personal Insurance Solutions
Our goal is to protect, preserve, and grow our client’s assets and this section of our website is dedicated to the tools to protect your assets. There are a variety of things that we can help protect against and they usually fall within two categories: lawsuits and spontaneous losses such as a fire or a car accident.
Please navigate below to dive deeper into the topic you would like to learn about.

Our philosophy is to first create a protective boundary around our client’s assets in the form of insurance. An unforeseen lawsuit or unprotected loss can derail someones plan for decades – so the first step is to protect the assets then move on to preserving and growing them.
Oftentimes commercials on TV and the radio try to downplay the purpose of insurance to a commodity. If this happens then the focus can shift towards the price of the insurance and nothing else. We believe that price is very important, in fact we represent many different insurance carriers so that we can be competitive and meet our client’s needs, but price is not priority.
Personal Insurance Solutions – Appropriate & Affordable Coverage
Insurance matters. It helps protect the assets you have worked so hard to earn. Insurance protects your future financial plans. Simply put, insurance protects you, “just in case”.
So we focus on appropriate coverage first and affordable coverage second. Fortunately our plans usually meet both of those criteria which makes for a solid foundation to an overall plan.